Day 10 #marchmeetthemaker - ‘Storage’ This one is a bit of a touchy subject in our business/home because we are a family of 5 plus a small business and we’re starting to feel like sardines in a tin So we have quite a few boxes like the ones pictured for jewellery materials and some of our tools, they may look disorganised but trust me there is some order to it all. We also have a corner with boxes stacked of our packaging and market display items and then to top it off we have a 20 foot shipping container for all the stuff we can’t fit on our house (mostly non work related)… think we need to start seriously thinking about moving house! #meetthemakers #runningoutofspace #needabiggerhouse #smallbusinesslife #jewellerybusinessistakingoverourhouse #worthitthough #smallbusinessuk #kinectbycggt