Day 14 of #marchmeetthemaker is ‘numbers’ When making a piece of jewellery quite a large chunk of our time goes into counting out the number of jump rings that goes into and the number we need open, the number we need closed, sometimes the number of bunches of 5s or some other combination. Numbers are a big part of all prep work that goes into making our type of designs. Once all these are ready we can then do the fun part of actually making the piece and seeing it come to life. Gary sometimes cheats and weighs out the jump rings to get the number he needs. This comes in particularly useful when making a 16” Mobius Maille necklace. How many rings do you think goes into making one of these? #meetthemakers #jewellerydesigneratwork #jewellerydesign #handcraftedjewellery #handmadeuk #silverjewellery #chunkyjewellery
