Day 18 #marchmeetthemaker…. ‘Sell Yourself’ Not a very easy one, I don’t think most people like to big themselves up too much - it doesn’t really feel that natural. So with this one we’ve had a few wines first to get us going! So getting straight to the point, you should buy jewellery from us because we put our hearts and souls into our little business. We personally love our designs, we want to keep every single one to wear for ourselves and quite a few of them we do! We think they look stunning, really classy and quite striking. We also think you should buy a gorgeous piece of jewellery from us because we’re dedicated to making our jewellery right just for you, each piece is handcrafted by us and bespoke orders are welcome. Need an unusual size - we’re on it! You prefer your jewellery in a different metal - just ask! Have a design tweak in mind - let us look into the possibilities of that for you! And finally - we’re a small family business and we love our three children more than anything in the world. Our older two boys seem really proud to see us running this business, they’re inspired - so help us to make it our living and make the dream come true for all of us!