Day 24… #marchmeetthemaker - today’s prompt is ‘Milestones’ Here we are, a photo of us @haddonhall Winter Mercatum last November. This was probably one of the biggest first milestones for us. It was the first time we had properly showcased all our pieces of jewellery for sale. Our first time putting ourselves, our designs and our craftsmanship out there. And it was a bit scary!!! But so exciting too! And we LOVED IT! Another milestone happened during those 4 days - we sold one of our most expensive pieces, the Mobius Maille necklace. Everyone there was so nice and welcoming and it was lovely to see lots of happy faces enjoying a festive day out. Can’t wait to do it again this year! We are a young business but we feel we’ve already had so many little (and big) milestones. First direct sale, first stockist, first Etsy sale, first review, having our own hallmark stamp created, first pieces hallmarked… the list goes on. There are so many milestones yet to be achieved, we’re growing every week so hope to be able to reach these step by step. Onwards and upwards! #meetthemakers #milestones #haddonhall #haddonmercatum #jewellerymakers #jewellerydesigners #proudofwhatwedo #onwardsandupwards