Day 8 of #marchmeetthemaker and today’s prompt is Best Decision… Our best decision regarding our small business was to decide we would work primarily in silver for our pieces and only do a few things in stainless steel. Even though traditionally chain maille was made from steel, silver is definitely the nicest material we’ve found to work with so far. It’s feels nice, it’s pliable, you can kind of trust in how it will respond to manipulation and it looks so gorgeous and shiny. Steel is sooo tough to work with! Especially the thicker rings like in our Steel City Cyrus bracelet. We also work with aluminium and quite a few chain maille jewellery makers use this for all their pieces. Aluminium provides you with a beautiful choice of colours and is hypoallergenic but it can be very brittle if overworked. Rubber also feature in some of our pieces and hopefully very soon we’ll be introducing coloured glass rings into the mix. Even though silver is our favourite, we are more than happy to design and make jewellery to our customers preference and we welcome bespoke orders. So if a customer would like a piece of gold chain maille jewellery we’re on it, if someone would love a bracelet made from titanium then no problem at all. We will always do our very best to source the best, and our customers favourite, material for the job.